Query to return basic information about a technology.

Tools include but are not limited to languages, libraries, frameworks, Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, cloud infrastructure, business services, open source projects, and other software products and services. You can browse StackShare to see which tools are available here or search using the UI.

Tip: Tools information is useful while searching for companies that are using or not using that particular tool.

Response Fields

NameStringThe name of the tool.(ex: MySQL, mongoDB..)Yes
idStringThe ID of the tool.Yes
titleStringThe title of the tool.Yes
slugStringThe slug of the tool.Yes
descriptionStringThe description of the tool.Yes
websiteUrlStringThe website url of the tool.Yes
imageUrlStringThe image url of the tool.Yes
ossRepoStringThe url that you can follow the new releases, news and/or so on about the tool.Yes
canonicalUrlStringThe canonical path of the tool on StackShare.io(ie: "/mongodb").Yes